Sunday, June 26, 2011

Own a vehicle or looking at purchasing? A definate must read!

We recently were in the market for a new vehicle.  I had owned a 1998 Ford Escort ZX2 and for those that are not familiar with vehicles it is a 2 door sports car and having two children and two dogs it clearly lacked in the space compartment.  I loved my vehicle and everything about it so trust me when I say I was not the happiest when I got my new vehicle.  The most common comment I heard from others was how quick I could get the girls into the vehicle with just the two doors.  The funny thing is when its all you know you do not think anything different of it.

We ended up taking my blue sports car and trading it in for a 2010 Dodge Grand Caravan.  I joke with people that I am now driving a bus so I have space to bring a whole team around with me Ha-Ha.  A few weeks after buying the vehicle we had to take it in on a  recall.  This was completely to my surprise.  I was thinking I just bought this vehicle and already a problem!?!?  I do not remember ever having to take my other vehicle in and if I did it definitely was not just after purchasing it.  Though I guess in all fairness it was the previous years model and I would rather be safe then sorry.  I just wish I would have known about this great site called before be bought.

With checking out my vehicle 2010 Dodge Grand Caravan I was able to see reviews on the product, recalls, problems and questions and answers.  This is a great resource for anyone who is looking at buying a vehicle and who needs to get their vehicle repaired.  You can check out what other consumers have had issues with or thought about the vehicle and post your own thoughts and experiences.  The details posted about my recall and had I know about this site and had I known about this site I would have known about the recall before buying.  The funny thing is that I had bought it after the date that it was posted on the website.  Although, we would have not changed our minds I would have felt like a more informed shopper knowing this piece of information.  I guarantee the next time I buy a car I will be using to check out the vehicle lines history!  If you are in the market for a new vehicle or known someone that is this website is definitely not something to keep to yourself!

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