Thursday, March 31, 2011

Yay I got an Award!

So yesterday wasn't that great of a day as I have a little one with the FLU again....but I was happy when I saw this.  A little bit of sun on a cloudy day I'd say ;-) and now that my kiddos are feeling a bit better I get  to share the love!

#1)  Thank you Twin Possible, for the award!

#2)  Share  7 things about yourself.

*I LOVE trying new foods, though this doesn't work out in my favor always.  I went for dim sum once and the waitress told me this dish was great I order it and after  tasting it I had to run to the bathroom. (it was tripe on its own..ick)

I Actually don't mind Justin Bieber.  No I am not the next groupie but I do truly wish big things for him and I hope he succeeds with everything and if he'd like to share the wealth...

* I love bright colours and use to wear love wearing instead I have two girls to dress up in it and they look so much cuter

* I have 2 dogs both of which came from a dog rescue!  If your looking for a new pet go to a rescue!!

* I was born and raised in Saskatoon, Sk where is seems the average winter temperature is -40 (lol) and now that I live in Ontario I can't seem to stand the cold (and its warmer here) old age must be getting to me

* I love being home alone and not talking to anyone or doing anything at all...just me by myself to do as I wish.  This doesn't really happen now that I am married with 2 kids and 2 dogs.  Which is probably why I love it so much!

*My new favorite place is the public library.  I can get new books and new movies and watch them for free!  Plus the kids can go and get whatever they want and it doesn't cost us a cent!

#3)  Name 10-15 blogs I feel deserve the Stylish Blogger award as well. 

Drum roll please............

 AND there are more where  these 10 came from I just wish I could have picked you all!

4)  Contact the bloggers I’m awarding to.

 You all will hear from me soon!  

Take it & wear it with pride.
Stylish-Blogger award
 Thanks so much for picking me and I am happy to  pass this onto others who I think are stylish in their own way!

1 comment:

Simply Stacie said...

Thanks so much for the award!