Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Book Review: Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Power of Forgiveness

About the Book:

Forgiveness frees us to get on with our lives! We can all benefit from letting go of our anger, and the 101 personal, touching stories in this collection will help you see the power of forgiveness and how it can change your own life.

Whether it’s forgiving a major wrong or a minor blunder, forgiving someone is healing and frees you to move on with your life. You don’t have to forget or condone what happened, but letting go of your anger improves your wellbeing and repairs relationships. You will be inspired to change your life through the power of forgiveness as you read the 101 stories in this book about forgiving others, changing your attitude, healing and compassion.

Book Review:

This book is a great reminder that when we hold onto our grudges and anger that we in fact hold ourselves back a lot more then we punish the person we think we are.  The book focuses its chapters with different stories of situations and stories of people who one may relate to.  Like many people I do have some people in my life that I have no been able to forgive over the years  I will not say that upon reading this book I was able to forgive and move on, but I will say that I was able to read it and put myself in a better position to forgive.  Honestly more for myself then for them.  This is definitely a recommended read and a book that we all can relate to!

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Views are those of Two Children and a Migraine and have no t been influenced in anyway.  A book was supplied for review purposes only and no compensation was received for this post.

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