America's favorite pop band, Roman Holiday, is done, dead, and so totally last year. For eighteen-year-old rockoholic Junie Baltimore, this is music to her ears. But when she discovers their sexy ex-lead singer hiding out on the boardwalk, her summer vacation becomes the cover story of the year.

About Ashley Poston
Having graduated from the University of South Carolina, Ashley Poston interned at Random House Publishers under Kodansha USA, where she edited the Sailor Moon manga and that was really, really, really cool. She wrote a play that won some award, and can quote every Motion City Soundtrack lyric by heart. She currently lives in South Carolina with her cat (aka her soul mate) and a plethora of books. When she's not writing, she's going to the movies (her second favorite past time) or taking extravagant road trips (her third favorite past time).
Why I Decided to Write About Music
“If music be the food of love, play on.”
William Shakespeare had it right in my mind. To me, music is to air what words are to paper. Music is more than just a few notes strung out over the vast void of atoms and molecules. Music is transformative. Music takes silent movies and turns them into symphonies. Music can make your ribcage rattle and it can make your heart sing.
I don’t know about you, but whenever I go to a concert, I feel like I’m chasing a certain kind of high I can only find at live venues (and no it’s not the reefer exhaust from the stoners beside me). There’s a thrill to live shows that not even vinyl can touch—and coming from a girl born and bred on vinyl Eagles music, that’s saying something. There’s a sound that hushes across the crowd just before the opening set. It’s what Roman in the book describes as “the roar.” It’s this trembling expectation, this silence that is so loud because everyone is waiting on baited breath. There’s nothing else like it. Because when the lights crash to black, anyone who isn’t drunk or deaf just goes silent. Waiting.
I think that’s the best part of music. The silence before the first song. The white noise before the first track on a new album. When your CD player makes that whining noise before the laser digs into the underbelly of the disk for the first breath of sound. It’s that moment I love the most.
That’s why I wanted to write a book series about music, because of that silence. The silence, to me, is expectation. It’s trepidation. It’s guesses and worries and wants. I wonder what song it’ll be? I hope it’s a good song. And I love the possibility of listening to a new song for the first time and thinking that it could be your favorite song, that you just haven’t heard it yet.
Love is a lot like that. It’s the white noise just after you make eye-contact with the cute barista behind the bar. It’s the quiet when he smiles. It’s the possibility that he could be your favorite human, and you just haven’t met him yet.
I like the thought of possibilities, and so that’s why I write about music.
What would you do if one unexpectedly crossed paths with a big star?? Sure we all would like to think that we would be cool and collective when talking to them, but reality is most of us would be so focused on what we are doing to impress the star that we would already be putting the relationship at a disadvantage. Now if the tables turned and one crossed paths and did not know who this person was, guaranteed the outcome will probably different. Some might even say a true honest interaction.
The Sound of Us takes the reader on a journey between two characters and it appears that fate has brought together and at any other time or place their paths may not have crossed. I loved reading about their relationship and the ups and downs that they had to go through in their life. It also made me realize how much not having any privacy would suck. Would trading privacy for being rich and famous be the life I would like? I realize probably not, but hey I might be interested in just being rich and keep my privacy. Although that might be almost impossible. So it appears I will just stick to reading and escaping with great reads like this one!
What would you do if one unexpectedly crossed paths with a big star?? Sure we all would like to think that we would be cool and collective when talking to them, but reality is most of us would be so focused on what we are doing to impress the star that we would already be putting the relationship at a disadvantage. Now if the tables turned and one crossed paths and did not know who this person was, guaranteed the outcome will probably different. Some might even say a true honest interaction.
The Sound of Us takes the reader on a journey between two characters and it appears that fate has brought together and at any other time or place their paths may not have crossed. I loved reading about their relationship and the ups and downs that they had to go through in their life. It also made me realize how much not having any privacy would suck. Would trading privacy for being rich and famous be the life I would like? I realize probably not, but hey I might be interested in just being rich and keep my privacy. Although that might be almost impossible. So it appears I will just stick to reading and escaping with great reads like this one!
Views expressed are 100% those of Two Children and a Migraine and not influenced in anyway. A book was supplied for review purposes and no compensation was received for this post.
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