Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Fabulous Stocking Stuffer Idea!
I love keychains, but I have to say I love things that remind me of my youth even more, this might actually be one of the reasons why I love them so much. I remember when I was in high-school I was always looking for the coolest key chains, but I have to say I have never found one as cool as the one I am about to tell you about! You can now own one of your favorite games on your keychain.
I had the opportunity to review the Ouija Keychain which is a miniature reproduction of the classic game. The game box opens to reveal original graphics and select miniature game pieces. It is so adorable and honestly looks just like the real one. This is just one of the many game keychains that they do have. Monopoly, Sorry, Operation. You name it they have them for you and no matter if you are getting them for yourself or as a stocking stuffer I know you will love them! They would also be perfect for loot bags or any themed party you are having!
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Natural Supplement for your Menopause needs
Luckily I am not in the menopause zone yet. I say lucky as I know for my mother it was not the best stage of life for her and I am sure there are many other women that would agree. I remember visiting her and having it so cold in her house during the summer as she was having hot flashes and mood swings...ahh yes we know about mood swings I do not have to say anything more about that..lol. I just remember the hot flashes and mood swings during pregnancy and Menopause is a whole new ball game!
I know many women look for natural ingredients when trying to relieve their symptoms this is why I am so happy to share will you all about Femestra. Femestra is an all-natural menopause relief supplement that has been Clinically Proven to relieve the symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes, night sweats and mood swings. They states that their products :gently restores the balance of your hormone levels with a natural herbal blend called Rice Bran Extract. The rice bran extract will slowly build up in your system, and reduce the fluctuations in hormone levels that cause the common and uncomfortable symptoms associated with menopause."
If you know someone that is suffering through Menopause or if you yourself are going through it I am happy to share with you that I do have one bottle to giveaway of the Femestra menopause supplement to one of my lucky readers.
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com.
Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
Sponsored by Tomoson.com
EdenFantasys has you covered this holiday season!
Disclaimer: This review links to an adult website that displays adult content and toys. Please read at your own discretion.

The leggings are fantastic and come in a large variety of colours that you can dress up your bottom and have a basic top as well and yet still look fabulous! The gold and silver leggings would also be perfect for a company or family party and just by changing the top you can then wear them out to the club! You will definitely not run into problems finding places to wear these. You might want to stock up on some pairs to ensure you always have a clean pair!
EdenFantasys, an online retailer of sex toys, provided me with a gift card in exchange for this post. All opinions are my own.
bath and body,
club wear,
holiday wear,
Inspirational Monday
"Criticism is a misconception: we must read not to understand others but to understand ourselves. "
Emile M. Cioran
Emile M. Cioran
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Print your coupons from home with one click
If your new to couponing world and you reside in the US then you definitely need to check out Coupons.com. I know the most common thing I hear people talk about as the reason why they do not use coupons is that they do not have time. Though there could not be anything that can save you time and save you money more then Coupons.com.
You'll be able to view all the coupons available for your area and print them off from the comfort of your own home. You do not need to search the aisles at the store nor wait for anything to come in the mail. You see it you print it. Its that simple!
I only wish we could take advantage here in Canada of all the great coupons here.
Have fun shopping and saving money!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Have you gotten your complimentary AmericanBaby Magazine subscription?
Why spend money on magazines when you can check out AmericanBaby for free right now. They state they are "americas source for trusted parenting advice". I know you'll find some articles in the subscription you'll love and as there is no cost to you be sure to check it out and share with your friends!
Get your complimentary magazine HERE!
If you haven't taken advantage of these other great offers be sure to check out my other posts on other magazines you can get for free either Baby Talk or PETA!
Happy Reading!
Tasty Tuesday!
As I have said many times before on here I love trying new things and introducing new things to my family and those around me. I come by it honestly as my mom is very much that way as well. It is actually because of her that I am introducing this ingredient to you! Today I decided against a complete recipe, because there are so many great stir-fry recipes out there and this ingredient can be incorporated into any of them.
I love making stir-fry, but I am always looking at additional ways to spice it up. While my parents were down in the spring we went shopping into one of my local Asian supermarket. I was (and still am) looking for ways to cut down the amount of grains that we eat in a day and she had mentioned yam noodles (Shirataki) and suggested we try them.
We did and I honestly say they did take a bit of getting use to, but my kids like them and thats all that matters. It took a bit more time for myself to get use to it, but then again I have many more years of eating starch then my kiddos.
So the next time your going to make a stir fry rather then pulling out your regular rice or noodles that you use. Why not get yourself some yam noodles.
To cook with them the first thing you need to do is drain the noodles from the liquid they come in and chop them up. You'll fry them to rid of the remaining liquid and voila you add them into the meat, tofu or veggies you have already prepared. I usually cook it for a little bit more so they have some "bathing" time with the other food. The Yam noodles have a firmer consistency then traditional noodles I make, but like tofu, I find they take on the surrounding seasoning or tastes of the food you cook with.
We made our stir-fry here with eggplant, green and red peppers, chicken, mushrooms and seasoning I usually as well cook the veggies and meats in a low sodium broth.
I love making stir-fry, but I am always looking at additional ways to spice it up. While my parents were down in the spring we went shopping into one of my local Asian supermarket. I was (and still am) looking for ways to cut down the amount of grains that we eat in a day and she had mentioned yam noodles (Shirataki) and suggested we try them.
We did and I honestly say they did take a bit of getting use to, but my kids like them and thats all that matters. It took a bit more time for myself to get use to it, but then again I have many more years of eating starch then my kiddos.
So the next time your going to make a stir fry rather then pulling out your regular rice or noodles that you use. Why not get yourself some yam noodles.
To cook with them the first thing you need to do is drain the noodles from the liquid they come in and chop them up. You'll fry them to rid of the remaining liquid and voila you add them into the meat, tofu or veggies you have already prepared. I usually cook it for a little bit more so they have some "bathing" time with the other food. The Yam noodles have a firmer consistency then traditional noodles I make, but like tofu, I find they take on the surrounding seasoning or tastes of the food you cook with.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Inspirational Monday

"A vigorous five-mile walk will do more good for an unhappy but otherwise healthy adult than all the medicine and psychology in the world. "
Paul Dudley White
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Have a baby? Now you can enjoy the movies with them!
I love watching movies and I love being able to head out with friends to check out the new releases. The problem is that it was not always an option for me to do. I remember going to the theatre with my husband when I was pregnant with my eldest and spent half the time either trying to get comfortable in the seats or heading to the bathroom. I remember thinking this is no fun and that once my little one was in our world I most definitely wont be able to go and see a movie. This is the great thing about Reel Babies that it is designed for mommies (and daddies)!
The Empire Reel Babies Program is designed for moms (or dads) so you can go out and enjoy a great film without worrying if you or your baby are disturbing anyone around you! Here are some of the great benefits of Reel Babies:
· Each theatre is equipped with a change table, bottle warmer, play mat and swing, so you can take care of your little one while you catch the latest blockbuster
· They even keep the lights on dim and lower the volume a bit
· For more information, feel free to visit

If you are asking yourself when was the last time that you were at a movie then you must definitely need to check out the Empire Reel Babies program. The great thing is us moms (or dads) get to vote for which movies will be showing. All you need to do is register and vote or their website and viola the winning movie selection will be what you get to go and see. I just love how they are involving us parents in every aspect of the Reel Babies Program! To make sure some of your get out to a show and keep your word that I am sure you have promised yourself since having your little one. I have a great giveaway for some of my wonderful followers!!
Disclosure – I am participating in the Empire Reel Babies program by Mom Central Canada on behalf of Empire Theatres. I received compensation as a thank you for my participation. The opinions on this blog are my own.
My Sister's Keeper-Movie Review
As much as I love going out and socializing with others I have always been a homebody. I absolutely love and adore being able to stay at home and watch a great movie or read a great book. This is one of the reasons I love winter. What better excuse to stay home then the weather is too terribly cold to go out. Growing up in the prairies you get use to finding things to do at home as -40 weather in the winter time is a normal occurrence.
If you are looking for a movie to enjoy at home no matter if your having a date night, girls night in or you just want to relax then I definitely recommend checking out the movie My Sister's Keeper staring Cameron Diaz and Abigail Breslin and so many more wonderful actors and actresses. My first piece of advice is to ensure that you have ample tissue available as this is a very moving picture that had me in tears for a lot of it.
No parent ever wants to face the news that their child is terminally ill and this movie takes you through the journey of one family that did receive the news and the path they went on to save their child. The Fitzgeralds go to the extent of having the Dr's create a test tube baby, Anna, that would be a perfect match for her leukemia stricken sister Kate. Anna knows she was created to help save her sisters life, which means she has gone through multiple surgery's over the years and donated parts of herself to her sister. Though now at 11 years old she makes a stand and takes her family to court in order to control her own body. As Anna's sisters kidneys are failing she is expected to donate one of her own and now must choose between saving her sister or being able to lead a "normal" and healthy life with both her own kidneys.
One clear point I received from this movie that we forget to listen to children and act as though they can not make appropriate decisions or can not have an valid opinion because of their age. This movie clearly shows that ones age does not determine how mature one is and how capable they are to make decisions. However, my heart truly does break for any child that goes through what these children did. Though it does show how important ones family unit is and how this unit can help one go through the worst times in their life.
If you are looking for a movie to enjoy at home no matter if your having a date night, girls night in or you just want to relax then I definitely recommend checking out the movie My Sister's Keeper staring Cameron Diaz and Abigail Breslin and so many more wonderful actors and actresses. My first piece of advice is to ensure that you have ample tissue available as this is a very moving picture that had me in tears for a lot of it.
No parent ever wants to face the news that their child is terminally ill and this movie takes you through the journey of one family that did receive the news and the path they went on to save their child. The Fitzgeralds go to the extent of having the Dr's create a test tube baby, Anna, that would be a perfect match for her leukemia stricken sister Kate. Anna knows she was created to help save her sisters life, which means she has gone through multiple surgery's over the years and donated parts of herself to her sister. Though now at 11 years old she makes a stand and takes her family to court in order to control her own body. As Anna's sisters kidneys are failing she is expected to donate one of her own and now must choose between saving her sister or being able to lead a "normal" and healthy life with both her own kidneys.
One clear point I received from this movie that we forget to listen to children and act as though they can not make appropriate decisions or can not have an valid opinion because of their age. This movie clearly shows that ones age does not determine how mature one is and how capable they are to make decisions. However, my heart truly does break for any child that goes through what these children did. Though it does show how important ones family unit is and how this unit can help one go through the worst times in their life.
abigail breslin,
cameron diaz,
my sisters keeper,
Monday, November 14, 2011
Ramona and Beezus- Movie Review
Growing up I remember getting excited for the weekend movies that would come on T.V. Sunday night the family would get together and watch a family movie together and have some bonding time. Having two small children I am always looking for movies that I can do something similar with them. As my girls are 3 and 4 (almost 5) they are old enough now where we can sit together and watch a movie that is not a cartoon. Do not get me wrong I love cartoons, but I love being able to watch a variety of movies even more.
If you are looking for a fun movie for the entire family then you should check out the movie Ramona and Beezus staring Joey King, Selena Gomez and many other actors and actresses. This weekend we watched this movie as part of our girls night in. Some may watch this movie because actress Selena Gomez is in it and honestly that was the main reason I thought about watching it. Though you will be pleasantly surprised by Joey King who plays Ramona in the movie. Ramona clearly the start of the movie is totally adorable and shows that being different and unique may be hard, but it is well worth it.
The movie takes you through the life of an average middle class family and the trials and tribulations that go along with it. Romona is a lively and fun character and she brings a bit of sparkle into everything that she does. With Ramonas over active imagination she takes you through her life and makes you think about your own life with a little bit more colour. Though you can not but feel sorry for Ramona as her heart is always in the right place nothing ever seems to work out for her and she gets in trouble more then most children. I could not help but think back to my years of being the younger sister who is always a pest no matter what. I was clearly a pain to my older sister so I could relate fully to Ramona in many ways.
The movie is based on the Ramona series of novels from Beverly Cleary and similar to many books made into movies you will definitely want to read the books to get more details out of the life of Ramona Quimby. There is so much information in the movies that at times it does feel there is a lot going on, but reality is life does have a lot going on at once. The books would be a great read for children so if looking for a gift for a child grade 3 definitely check out the series!
My girls loved the movie so much that instead of cartoons the next morning we watched the movie again. It is a fun movie that the whole family will enjoy! It is appropriate for all ages and a great wholesome movie to enjoy all together!
*Disclosure: views are 100% my own and no items were received for review purposes. I just love to share the wealth :-)
If you are looking for a fun movie for the entire family then you should check out the movie Ramona and Beezus staring Joey King, Selena Gomez and many other actors and actresses. This weekend we watched this movie as part of our girls night in. Some may watch this movie because actress Selena Gomez is in it and honestly that was the main reason I thought about watching it. Though you will be pleasantly surprised by Joey King who plays Ramona in the movie. Ramona clearly the start of the movie is totally adorable and shows that being different and unique may be hard, but it is well worth it.
The movie takes you through the life of an average middle class family and the trials and tribulations that go along with it. Romona is a lively and fun character and she brings a bit of sparkle into everything that she does. With Ramonas over active imagination she takes you through her life and makes you think about your own life with a little bit more colour. Though you can not but feel sorry for Ramona as her heart is always in the right place nothing ever seems to work out for her and she gets in trouble more then most children. I could not help but think back to my years of being the younger sister who is always a pest no matter what. I was clearly a pain to my older sister so I could relate fully to Ramona in many ways.
The movie is based on the Ramona series of novels from Beverly Cleary and similar to many books made into movies you will definitely want to read the books to get more details out of the life of Ramona Quimby. There is so much information in the movies that at times it does feel there is a lot going on, but reality is life does have a lot going on at once. The books would be a great read for children so if looking for a gift for a child grade 3 definitely check out the series!
My girls loved the movie so much that instead of cartoons the next morning we watched the movie again. It is a fun movie that the whole family will enjoy! It is appropriate for all ages and a great wholesome movie to enjoy all together!
*Disclosure: views are 100% my own and no items were received for review purposes. I just love to share the wealth :-)
joey king,
ramona and beezus,
selena gomez
Inspirational Monday
"Courage is the most important of all the virtues, because without courage you can't practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage."
-Maya Angelou
Inspirational Monday,
maya angelou,
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Frostbite Book Review
Frostbite is the second book in the Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead. Frostbite continues through the journeys of Rose Hathaway who is the half vampire half human Guardian in training and her best friend Lissa who is a Moroi vampire. This book takes the reader through the high and lows of Rose's love life. You get to experience just how beautiful and strong she is to the men around in her life. Not to mention you feel sorry for Rose and you learn more about how awkward the bond between the two girls can be. Rose gets pulled multiple times into Lissa head at the most inconvenient time, while Lissa and her boyfriend, Christian, are getting intimate. My favorite part though is any section that involves her gorgeous trainer Dimitri. Richelle Mead's makes Dimitri seem like the "perfect" man or the man that would be in my children's fairy tale books. Though at the same time you learn that he is not perfect by any means, though this makes you love his character even more. He is a character that truly seems beautiful inside and out.
If you are looking for more then love there is definitely enough action and fighting in this story for all. As there are multiple attacks from Strigoi (the made vampires) this makes the girls school, St. Vladimir's, to be put on high alert. Multiple Guardians are being brought in to watch the school and the students within it. Even Guardian legends are being brought in including Janine Hathaway who is Rose's mother. Dhampir women, which is what Rose is, have pretty much two paths to follow. They either have families and raise children or become Guardians. However, any Dhampir who raises a family is looked down upon versus the Dhampir who choose to fight and protect the Moroi Vampires as Guardians are seen more as superior in their society. Janine Hathaway, Roses mother, choose to become a Guardian therefore she "choose" the Moroi over her own daughter. To say that these two had a strained relationship is being generous. Though as much as Rose feels she is not like her mother it is impressive how similar the two of them really are. This allows the reader to think about the age old question nature vs nurture.
Though through all that is happening around Rose it does not compare at all to the danger that Rose and her friends are going to run into. When a few of her friends decide that they are going to fight the Strigoi on their own. This causes Rose to go after them as she is wanting to protect them. You realize under the tough shell Rose shows everyone underneath her heart is just as breakable as any human girl.
As I mentioned in the first book I absolutely adore this series and the series just keeps getting better and better. Although it is a young fiction series it is still one that moms like me can read and enjoy as well and younger women. The reader gets to experience a world that is so different from the world that we know, yet so similar at the same time.
If you are looking for your next great read then Frostbite is the book for you!
Be sure to check out other books I have read this year through the #50BookPledge
*Disclosure: views are 100% my own and no items were received for review purposes. I just love to share the wealth :-)
If you are looking for more then love there is definitely enough action and fighting in this story for all. As there are multiple attacks from Strigoi (the made vampires) this makes the girls school, St. Vladimir's, to be put on high alert. Multiple Guardians are being brought in to watch the school and the students within it. Even Guardian legends are being brought in including Janine Hathaway who is Rose's mother. Dhampir women, which is what Rose is, have pretty much two paths to follow. They either have families and raise children or become Guardians. However, any Dhampir who raises a family is looked down upon versus the Dhampir who choose to fight and protect the Moroi Vampires as Guardians are seen more as superior in their society. Janine Hathaway, Roses mother, choose to become a Guardian therefore she "choose" the Moroi over her own daughter. To say that these two had a strained relationship is being generous. Though as much as Rose feels she is not like her mother it is impressive how similar the two of them really are. This allows the reader to think about the age old question nature vs nurture.
Though through all that is happening around Rose it does not compare at all to the danger that Rose and her friends are going to run into. When a few of her friends decide that they are going to fight the Strigoi on their own. This causes Rose to go after them as she is wanting to protect them. You realize under the tough shell Rose shows everyone underneath her heart is just as breakable as any human girl.
As I mentioned in the first book I absolutely adore this series and the series just keeps getting better and better. Although it is a young fiction series it is still one that moms like me can read and enjoy as well and younger women. The reader gets to experience a world that is so different from the world that we know, yet so similar at the same time.
If you are looking for your next great read then Frostbite is the book for you!
Be sure to check out other books I have read this year through the #50BookPledge
*Disclosure: views are 100% my own and no items were received for review purposes. I just love to share the wealth :-)
Scotia Hockey The Bigger Save
It may be no surprise to many that I am a huge Hockey fan! Growing up in Saskatchewan you grow up learning to be a fan of winter sports as we get so much more winter then a lot of Canadians. Though I do not know anyone when I was young who had an opportunity to win something like what I am about to tell you about.
If you are a parent or a coach to children age 7-14 who play hockey then you will definitely want to check out this great contest going on now. Teams are asked to pledge to save for their hockey expenses and one lucky team will selected to go to P.E.I. for Scotiabank Hockey Day in Canada February 11th 2012!
Last Year the team that won went to Whitehorse and they had an absolute blast. A ton of hockey celebrities attend and the team gets a lot of exposure, playing a local team and meeting and greeting hockey legends. They’re also featured on CBC’s broadcast throughout the day. This is a fantastic opportunity for the youth in our communities, not to mention I am sure this is one Hockey trip all the parents would want to volunteer to assist with. This is an exciting opportunity for young and old alike.
Do not delay in entering as you may just miss your opportunity as the contest closes November 30th!! So be sure to head on over to Scotia Hockey Club on Facebook to enter under their Bigger save Tab.
If you are lucky to win the grand prize this includes:
Three of my lucky fans will win a Scotia Hockey Club bag stuffed with a Scotia Hockey Club Reebok practice jersey ($90 value), toque, water bottle and indoor soft puck.
Check out these other great bloggers hosting a giveaway right now:
Tales of a Ranting Ginger
If you are a parent or a coach to children age 7-14 who play hockey then you will definitely want to check out this great contest going on now. Teams are asked to pledge to save for their hockey expenses and one lucky team will selected to go to P.E.I. for Scotiabank Hockey Day in Canada February 11th 2012!
Last Year the team that won went to Whitehorse and they had an absolute blast. A ton of hockey celebrities attend and the team gets a lot of exposure, playing a local team and meeting and greeting hockey legends. They’re also featured on CBC’s broadcast throughout the day. This is a fantastic opportunity for the youth in our communities, not to mention I am sure this is one Hockey trip all the parents would want to volunteer to assist with. This is an exciting opportunity for young and old alike.
Do not delay in entering as you may just miss your opportunity as the contest closes November 30th!! So be sure to head on over to Scotia Hockey Club on Facebook to enter under their Bigger save Tab.
If you are lucky to win the grand prize this includes:
- Where applicable, round trip economy airfare for the Team departing from the Canadian international airport nearest the winning Teams residence (as determined by CBC) to Charlottetown.
- Three night’s standard hotel accommodation (double occupancy) in Charlottetown.
- Ground transportation to and from the Hockey Day in Canada events.
- All Team meals while in Charlottetown.
- Approximate retail value of the Grand Prize is ($45,000 CDN).
Three of my lucky fans will win a Scotia Hockey Club bag stuffed with a Scotia Hockey Club Reebok practice jersey ($90 value), toque, water bottle and indoor soft puck.
Check out these other great bloggers hosting a giveaway right now:
Tales of a Ranting Ginger
disclosure- I received product as a thank you for hosting this giveaway. All opinions expressed are of my own
Friday, November 4, 2011
Deal of the Day: Free Disney Sticker Printables
I adore Disney products, but sometimes when I find a product I love when I go back to the store I am not able to find it again. This is why I think the product I am going to tell you about today is so cool. You can print off your own Disney stickers right in the comfort of your own home. All you need to do is head into your local craft and hobby stores and you can print off your own stickers right in the comfort of your own home. This is great for crafts and once you see them you will agree they are just too cute!
Head on over HERE to access the PDF that will let you print Disney stickers til your hearts content!
Head on over HERE to access the PDF that will let you print Disney stickers til your hearts content!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
The Help Book Review

Though you realize when reading the books the times were starting to change and you realize that not all white women wanted to treat their servants as something below them. Though taking a stand is so not something that can be done easily, especially by women in a society that was very male dominated. Though this is something that Miss Skeeter ends up doing and with the help of many of the servants within the town she lives in. She begins to work with these women to create a book about the lives of these different black servants that she sees and even about her own experiences as well. However, if anyone were to find out what these women are doing then their lives will be in jeopardy.
Through the process of writing the novel you learn the hardships that these servants truly had to go through. Not to mention the daily task of cleaning someones house and taking care of their children and knowing the whole time you are there that they thought little of you. However, leaving work and heading home was not an escape that many of us now seek in homes. Heading home for many of these women they have to deal with daily reminders that they are alone, about children that have been taken away from them due to their colour or dealing with abuse from their partners or so much other chaos and suffering of daily life.
This book takes you through a journey of life that many different women are going through in diverse areas in their lives, but in the end you realize truly how strong each of them are in their own way. I felt reading this book truly gives you a new appreciation for what we have in our own lives and as a gentle reminder that it could always be worse, but also that we do have such more to grow as women and as a society as a whole!
If you are interested in reading book about our history though done on an entertaining journey that Kathryn Stockett has made The Help then you definitely must read this book!
*Disclosure: views are 100% my own and no items were received for review purposes. I just love to share the wealth :-)
Vampire Academy Book Review
If your a fan of Fantasy books then I definitely have another great series that I just read that I want to tell you about! Honestly, even if you are not a fan of Fantasy books I believe you will like this series anyways. It deals with love, friendship, soul searching, action and has strong women characters in the novel. For myself personally I saw the series as a cross between Twilight, True Blood and Harry Potter. HaHa I know bet thats got you wondering! :-) I love all of those series though if you are like me and read them you truly know how different each are.
The Vampire Academy Series by Richelle Mead currently had 6 books out and the first in the series is called Vampire Academy. This novel is about two best friends Rose who is a Dhampir (half vampire/half human) and Lissa who is a Moroi (mortal vampire). Not only are they best friends, but Rose had been training to become a guardian and she is hoping to become her best friends guardian. A Guardians job in the world is to protect Moroi vampires and their number one motto is "They Come First". This means that Rose will have to put the Moroi vampire she is guarding above all else in her life, even her own heart. The girls have been on the run from their duties and life at St Vladimir's Academy which is their boarding school that they had been attending. Once captured the girls are brought back to the boarding school where they are in great danger. Though the true mystery is figuring out if their girls are more of a threat to themselves or is it the outside threats where their worry should lie.
Along the journey to stay alive both girls are tempted constantly back at school. Their positions in their society involve a lot of partying and late night rituals that are to remain a secret. While trying to stay safe and most importantly alive both girls are trying to find safe venues to finish off their school year. However, even though they try to stay off the radar both girls end up finding love in the wrong place and now have a struggle to deal with their forbidden love on top of everything else.
The novel is narrated through Rose who does it both in her own voice and through Lissa's eyes. Their personalities are as different as night and day, but having Rose as the narrator allows all aspects of the story to be an entertaining read. Rose is a very strong female character and with her sassy and smart ass attitude it will definitely have you laughing. Although you will learn how important it is not to judge someone by what you view on the outside, because no matter how strong Rose seems you learn how truly fragile she is inside. This novel not only allows you to follow through the journey with the girls, but allows you to learn more about the world that they live within. Their society is so different from the world us humans know, but you learn how these two world are happening in conjunction with one another.
Although the novel is a young adult read I love that Richelle Mead does not make the books something that us older women won't enjoy. Although my high-school days are long over it is fun to read through a story that deals with many similar topics that anyone that goes through high-school will go through all along with the excitement of unknown areas.
If you are looking for a new read I definitely recommend to check out this book! I adored the book and could not wait to dive into the next one!
If you are looking for more books to read why not check out my #50 Book Pledge I have been participating in this year!

Along the journey to stay alive both girls are tempted constantly back at school. Their positions in their society involve a lot of partying and late night rituals that are to remain a secret. While trying to stay safe and most importantly alive both girls are trying to find safe venues to finish off their school year. However, even though they try to stay off the radar both girls end up finding love in the wrong place and now have a struggle to deal with their forbidden love on top of everything else.
The novel is narrated through Rose who does it both in her own voice and through Lissa's eyes. Their personalities are as different as night and day, but having Rose as the narrator allows all aspects of the story to be an entertaining read. Rose is a very strong female character and with her sassy and smart ass attitude it will definitely have you laughing. Although you will learn how important it is not to judge someone by what you view on the outside, because no matter how strong Rose seems you learn how truly fragile she is inside. This novel not only allows you to follow through the journey with the girls, but allows you to learn more about the world that they live within. Their society is so different from the world us humans know, but you learn how these two world are happening in conjunction with one another.
Although the novel is a young adult read I love that Richelle Mead does not make the books something that us older women won't enjoy. Although my high-school days are long over it is fun to read through a story that deals with many similar topics that anyone that goes through high-school will go through all along with the excitement of unknown areas.
If you are looking for a new read I definitely recommend to check out this book! I adored the book and could not wait to dive into the next one!
If you are looking for more books to read why not check out my #50 Book Pledge I have been participating in this year!
Richelle Mead,
Vampire Academy,
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Tasty Tuesday!
One of my favorite things about Fall is I love being able to make homemade soup! During the summer I try not to cook indoors as much as possible. Then Fall comes around and the weather is getting a bit cooler and it is time for me to start making all the yummy soups I missed all summer. One soup that is easy to make and does not take a lot of ingredients is Potato Leek Soup.
If your interested in trying something new this is an easy recipe that even children can help make. Most importantly it is great for lunch or dinner. My girls love having it with grill cheese sandwiches! Yum!!
Potato Leek Soup
1Tbsp butter
3 Leeks
2 stalks of celery
Salt and Pepper
3 Large baking potatoes, peeled and diced
2 cups low sodium vegetable or chicken broth
2 cups Milk
2 Tbsp lemon juice
-In a pot over medium heat melt the butter. Then add the leeks, celery 1/2 tsp of salt, 1/4 tsp of pepper and cook while you stir often
-Add potatoes, broth and 1 cup of water and be sure to cover and bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to medium-low and now boil the ingredients in the pot gently for 15 minutes or until your potatoes are soft. Then remove from heat.
-In a blender or immersion blender puree half of the soup and leave the other half chunky. (Be sure if your blender is glass to let the mixture cool before blending) Return all of the soup to the pot and add milk and heat over medium heat again stirring often until it is steaming (not boiling). Stir in lemon juice and season to taste with salt and pepper.
Voila! Enjoy!!
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